Thursday, December 3, 2009
Is IST a form of dysautonomia?
Back in the 19th century, there used to be a condition called “neurasthenia”. Young women (the beautiful but delicate ones, according to the romance novels of the time) would find themselves suddenly unable to function due to a host of inexplicable symptoms, often including fatigue, weakness, strange pains, dizziness, and passing out. Doctors would not find anything to explain these symptoms, so they were attributed to a “weak nervous system”, or neurasthenia. Victims were often confined to their beds, where they would either recover or, eventually (and tragically) die. And while nobody knew what caused this condition, everyone —doctors and laymen alike—took it seriously; the condition and its sufferers were treated with great respect.
Today’s doctors shake their heads in wonder at the notion of such a condition, and tend to put neurasthenia in the same bucketas the witchcraft hysteria of a few centuries earlier. But patients who would have been called neurasthenics 150 years ago are still around; they’re just given different labels. These labels include chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), vasovagal or neurocardiogenic syncope, panic attacks, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), postural orthostatic tachycardia —and, quite possibly, IST. While most syndrome (POTS), fibromyalgia doctors still tend to think of these various syndromes as stand-alone conditions, they are all part of a general class of conditions called the dysautonomias.
In dysautonomia the autonomic nervous system loses its normal balance, and at various times the parasympathetic or sympathetic systems inappropriately predominate. Symptoms can include frequent, vague but disturbing aches and pains, faintness or frank syncope, fatigue and inertia, severe anxiety attacks, sinus tachycardia, hypotension, poor exercise tolerance, gastrointestinal disturbances, sweating, dizziness, blurred vision, numbnessand tingling, anxiety and (quite understandably) depression.
Sufferers of dysautonomia can experience all these symptoms or just a few of them. They can experience one cluster of symptoms at one time—and another at other times. And since people with dysautonomia are usually normal in every other way, a physical exam most often does not reveal any abnormalities. Patients are often labeled hysterical and are accorded little of the respect they received during the 19th century. (Fortunately, doctors no longer prescribe bed rest, so the risk of mortality is now very low.) When patients do get an actual diagnosis, the one they receive does often depend on their recently dominant symptoms and on which specialist they are referred to.
What causes dysautonomia? The dysautonomias do not have a single cause. Some patients inherit the propensity to develop dysautonomia syndromes, and variationsof dysautonomia often run in families. Viral illnesses can trigger a dysautonomia syndrome. So can exposure to chemicals. (Gulf War Syndrome is, in effect, dysautonomia—low blood pressure, tachycardia, fatigue and other symptoms—that, government denials aside, appears to have been triggered by exposure to toxins.) Dysautonomia can result after various types of trauma, especially trauma to the head and chest. (It has been reported to occur for example after breast implant surgery.) Dysautonomias caused by viral infections, toxic exposures, or trauma often have a rather sudden onset. CFS, for instance, most classically begins following a typical viral-like illness (sore throat, fever, muscle aches, and so on), but any of the dysautonomia syndromes can have a similar onset.
Is IST one of the dysautonomias? Obviously we do not know for sure, but it certainly shares many of the characteristics of dysautonomia, including that its onset is frequentlypreceded by a viral illness or trauma; that the patient profile is typical; and that “extra” symptoms frequently occur which are consistent with other forms of dysautonomia. (Indeed, many IST patients might have beenlabeled as suffering from IBS, POTS or CFS if they had seen someone other than an electrophysiologist.) Further, the fact that something stimulates the successfully ablated SA nodes to regenerate in IST patients suggests a more systemic problem than intrinsic SA nodal disease. And finally, electrophysiologists have noted that symptoms consistent with dysautonomia often persist even after successful SA nodal ablation (i.e., during the period of time that normal heart rates have been restored).
From: Richard N. Fogoros, Electrophysiologic testing, 4th ed.,2006.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Assessment of the Left ventricular function in the presence of mitral regurge
Time taken by
| |
<27 br="" msec="">27>
| |
Mild-moderate impairment
800 – 1200
27 – 40 msec
Sever impairment
<800 o:p="">800>
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Systolic and diastolic currents of injury
Did you ask yourself this question before?
To answer such a question you need to go back to the physiological basics of electrocardiography. You must remeber that the ECG is the surface recording of electrical changes caused by electrical activity of the heart. At the culluar level those electrical changes are known as the action potential, which represents the potential differences across the cellular membrane as a result of a proper stimulus. The ischemia causes less negative resting membrane potential and loewr amplitude and longer duration of the action potential.
The ischemia is affecting a localized area and the rest of the myocardium is healthy and has normal action potential. This generates an electrical difference between the ischemic myocardium and the nearby healthy myocardium.
Systolic injury current:
Diastolic injury current:
The theory of diastolic current of injury is somewhat different. It is based on the fact that the resting membrane potential in the ischemic area is less negative in comparison with the healthy areas. This generates the diastolic injury current during the electrical diastole (TQ-interval). The direction of this current is from the ischemic area towards the healthy area. Thus it causes elevation of the TQ-segment in case of subendocardial infarction and depression of of TQ-segment in transmural infarction. But the TQ-segment is representing the base line for the ECG recording. So the net result will be apparent ST-segment depression and elevation respectively.
Images are from Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 8th ed.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Smoking paradox
Do you know about smoking paradox?
I first heard of this was during a clinical round a week ago. The professor asked us about it and nobody knew the answer. He told us the answer. It was noted that the incidence of in-stent stenosis following PCI was lower in smokers than non-smoker. He explained that by activation of CYP450 by smoking. This enzyme is responsible for transformation of clopidogrel to its active form. This lowers in-stent thrombosis and also lowered clopidogrel resistance.
However I have done my own search on the web to know more about that topic. I found some additional information. There are more explanations not mentioned by our professor. One explanation is the younger age of smokers in the studies revealing that paradox. Another one is the relectunce of smokers toseek medical advice when such problems occur. However, the long term mortality is still higher in smokers despite this claimed paradox.
I found two other paradoxes related to smoking. One was the lower mortality of somkers hospitalized for heart failure in OPIMIZE-HF study compared with non-smokers. However, the age of the smokers in the study was also younger, and this may be a resonable explanation. Another explanation is the difference in drug handling by smokers due to enzyme induction and inhibition. The third paradox related to smoking was noted in the study of lung cancer. It was noted the Japanese population has lower incidence of lung cancer compared with western populations, despite the higher incidence of smoking in the Japanese. This time the explanations were multiple. The main explanations were genetic difference, the different cigarette types and different filters, and the more healthy lifestyles led by the Japanese (less fat and less alcohol consumption).
The term "Paradox" may be deceiving or misleading. It gives the false impression that smoking is benfitial in this disease. The fact is exactly the opposite. Smoking causes the disease process to happen in an earlier age. And the real cause for the paradox is the younger age of the smokers, not the smoking itself, I guess. However it is still established that nonsmokers have longer and more healthy lives.
If you would like to read in more details follow these links:
1, 2 and 3.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Another case

Pulmonary embolism was suspected but, unfortunately there was no availible CT or echocardiography in our hospital by that time. The attending physician thought he might loose the patient if he referred him to another hospital because the patient's condition was getting worse despite i.v. fluids oxygen inhalation and bronchodilators. He decided to give thrombolytic therapy. After receiving the streptokinase the patient's condition improved markedly. Here is the ECG obtained after finishing streptokinase infusion.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A case of arrhythmia

What do you thin is the diagnosis and what should we do?
Update: see the tracing after cardioversion below

Friday, May 15, 2009
Uncommon case of chest pain CME on medscape
It is a nice case of chest pain due to an uncommon cause. Just try to guess the answer without looking at the multiple choices at the bottom and see if you can expect it. Look carefully in the X-ray. The link is here.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
- Members:
- Lovastatin
- Fluvastatin
- Pravastatin
- Simvastatin
- Rosuvastatin
- Chemistry:
Atorvastatin, Fluvastatin and Rosuvastatin are fluorine containing cogeners and are also active as given.
- Pharmacokinetics:
Excretion: Mainly hepatic excretion in bile. Only 5 -20 % are excreted in urine.
Half-life: Atorvastatin and Rosuvastatin have relatively long half-lives (14 and 19 hours respectively). Others agents have short half-lives (1-3 hours).
- Mechanism of action:
There is also some other actions (most are of unknown mechanisms) that do not depend on the lipid lowering effect of statins. These are called "pleotropic" actions and they include:
- inhibition of the inflammatory response.
- improvement in the endothelial function.
- platelet stabilization.
- fibrinogen lowering effect
- Adverse effects:
- GIT disturbances: in the form of nausea, abdominal colic, diarrhea or constipation and flatulence.
- Headache.
- Pruritus.
- Fatigue, myalgia or even myopathy can occur with statins. It is advisable to do CK level and stop statin if the level is 10-times the normal. The addition of oral coenzyme Q10 may decrease the symptoms. If the patient has developped myopathy, stop the statins and rechallenge later on with lower dose. It may be preferable to shift to Simvastatin or Fluvastatin which has lower incidence of myopathy. If the symptoms recurred, statins should be avoided and non-statin lipid modifying drugs are used instead.
- Liver damage: it is a serious but rare side effect. transaminase level should be measured before starting treatment and after 3 months of initiation of statins. Later on, semiannual liver enzymes are advised. Elevation of liver enzymes to 3-folds the baseline is an indication to stop statins.
- Drug interactions: Pravastatin and Fluvastatins are not metabolized by ctochrome oxidase P450, so, they are not susciptible to major drug interactions. Other agents are dependent on this enzyme for their metabolism. Enzyme inhibitors increase the risk of myopathy when used with such statins. Examples of those enzyme inhibitors are: erytheromycin, azole antifungals, cimetedine, methotrexate, cyclosporin, gemfibrozil, verapamil and amiodarone.
- Indications:
- Secondary prevention of coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease.
- Treatment of some dyslipidemias such as:
- mixed dyslipidemias
- homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia
- selected cases of heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia
- Contraindications:
- Pregnancy and lactation: statins should not be given even to those women planning to get pregnant (statins should be stopped 6 months before getting pregnant).
- Active liver disease.
- Mypathies.
- The following table summarizes the dosing of different statins:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Mitral valve . . . Where did this name come from?

When you turn the open mitral valve upsidedown you will find it looking like the mitre. They say a picture worth 1000 word, so let us save the words. Here is the piture.

Monday, April 20, 2009
Lipoprotein Metabolism
Lipoprotein Metabolism
Basic definitions and terms:
- Lipoproteins: complex compounds formed of lipids bound to proteins to facilitate the transfer of lipids between different tissues.
- Apoproptein: (also called apolipoprotein) the protein ingredient of lipoproteins.
- Integral protein: it is an essential component protein which is penetrating through the whole thickness of the phospholipid layer of lipoprotein particle. Examples: apoA, apoB100 and apoB48.
- Peripheral protein: surface protein component of the lipoprotein which can be exchanged between different types of lipoproteins and act as enzyme activator or receptor binding site.
- Centrifugal transport: transport of lipids from liver to the peripheral tissues, e.g. adipose tissue and muscles.
- Centripetal transport: transport of lipids from peripheral tissues to the liver.
- Synthesis: in the epithelial cells of the small intestines (enterocytes)
- The lipid component is synthesized from the absorbed dietary fatty acids, monoacyl glycerol and cholesterol.
- The apolipoprotein part (apoB48 and apoA) is synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum by the ribosomes.
- The assembly of lipids with apolipoproteins takes place in the Glogi apparatus then they are packed into secretory vesicles where they are secreted by exocytosis into the intercellular space.
- The chylimicrons in this form are called nascent and are drained into the lacteals. They reach the thoracic duct and enter the venous circulation where they receive apoC and apoE from HDL to become mature chylimicrons.
- Structure: mature chylimicrons are about 1µ in diameter and consist of 2% proteins (apoB48, apoA. apoC and apoE) and 98% lipids (mainly triglycerides).
- Fate: the mature chylimicrons reach the peripheral tissues (adipose tissue and skeletal and cardiac muscles) where they are acted upon by the enzyme plasma lipoprotein lipase (LPL) which needs apoCII for its activation. This enzyme is present anchored with heparin sulfate to the capillary endothelium of the fore mentioned tissues. The action of this enzyme results in hydrolysis of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids. The fatty acids are taken up by the cells in these tissues and are either used in the production of energy (skeletal and cardiac muscles) or used in the synthesis of tissue or milk fat (adipose tissues and lactating mammary glands. After losing the main bulk of its triglycerides, the chylimicrons returns the apoA and apoC back to the HDL and become chylimicron remnants. These particles give most of the remaining triglycerides to the HDL in exchange for cholesterol esters by means of CETP (cholestryl ester exchange protein also known as apoD). Then they are recognized by the liver through their apoE component and become endocytosed by the liver cells where they are hydrolyzed into amino acids, cholesterol and fatty acids.
- Function: transport of the absorbed dietary (exogenous) triglycerides to the tissues. They also transport dietary cholesterol and fat soluble vitamins to the liver.
- Plasma lipoprotein lipase is called clearing factor because it clears the plasma from its turbidity caused by the presence of chylimicrons.
- Plasma lipoprotein lipase is activated by insulin and heparin.
- The chylimicrons are called so because they are 1µ in diameter and present in lymph (chyle).
- ApoB48 is encoded by the same gene for apoB100 with the addition of termination code to the mRNA by RNA editing enzymes. It has 48% of the molecular weight of apoB100.
- The neonatal liver has the enzyme LPL.
- Normally chylimicrons can not be detected in the plasma in the fasting state (>12 hours after meals).
Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL):
- Synthesis: in the liver cells (hepatocytes)
- The triglyceride component is synthesized de novo or by re-esterification of free fatty acids.
- The apolipoprotein (apoB100) is synthesized in the microsomes.
- The VLDL in this form is called nascent and is secreted into the sinusoids. They venous circulation where they receive apoC and apoE from HDL to become mature VLDL.
- Structure: VLDL consists of 10% proteins (apoB100, apoC and apoE) and 90% lipids (mainly triglycerides).
- Fate: the mature VLDL reaches the peripheral tissues (adipose tissue and skeletal and cardiac muscles) where it is acted upon by the enzyme plasma lipoprotein lipase (LPL) which needs apoCII for its activation. The action of this enzyme results in hydrolysis of triglycerides into glycerol and free fatty acids. The fatty acids are taken up by the cells in these tissues and are either used in the production of energy (skeletal and cardiac muscles) or used in the synthesis of tissue or milk fat (adipose tissues and lactating mammary glands. After losing the main bulk of its triglycerides, the VLDL returns the apoC back to the HDL and become VLDL remnants (IDL). These particles give most of the remaining triglycerides to the HDL in exchange for cholesterol esters by means of CETP (cholestryl ester exchange protein also known as apoD). Then VLDL remnants give their apoE back to the HDL and become LDL.
- Function: centrifugal transport or the endogenous triglycerides.
Low density lipoproteins (LDL):
- Synthesis: LDL is formed of IDL (VLDL remnants) after exchange of triglycerides for cholesterol ester with HDL and loss of apoE.
- Structure: LDL consists of 20% proteins (apoB100) and 80% lipids (mainly cholesterol).
- Fate: the LDL binds to specific LDL receptors in the liver and peripheral tissues, then it is uptaken and hydrolyzed to give cholesterol.
- Function: important source of cholesterol for peripheral tissues.
High density lipoproteins (HDL):
- Synthesis: HDL is synthesized in the cells of liver and small intestine as discoidal HDL.
- Structure: HDL consists of 32-55% proteins (apoA, apoC, apoE and apoD) and 45-68% lipids (phospholipids and cholesterol).
- Fate: the HDL receives free cholesterol from tissues. This cholesterol may get esterified with fatty acids by means of LCAT (licethine cholesterol acyl transferase). The cholesterol esters are stored between the phospholipid bilayer transforming discoidal HDL to spheroidal HDL. Later on cholesterol esters may be given to chylimicron remnants or VLDL remnants in exchange for triglycerides by means of apoD (CETP cholesterol ester transfer protein).
- Function: - centripetal transport of cholesterol (reverse cholesterol transport pathway).
- reservoir for apoE and apoC needed for maturation of chylimicrons and VLDL.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Pathology of cardiomyopathy
While I am preparing for my master degree exam - 1st part, I noticed the topic of cardiomyopathy is much frequently encountered in pathology exams. I also noticed that our Egyptian pathology books are very deficient when dealing with this important topic. So, I decided to write it myself collecting data from different Pathology texts. It was "Robin's basic pathology, 8th ed" which I found most informative and well-organized and most of data here are derived from it.
Group of diseases that primarily involve the myocardium and produce myocardial dysfunction (or intrinsic disease of the cardiac muscle)
1. Dilated (congestive)
2. Hypertrophic
3. Restrictive
click image to enlarge
Dilated cardiomyopathy
- Epidemiology
- Incidence: Most common cardiomyopathy (90% of cases)
The incidence of this disorder in Europe and
- Etiology:
- Idiopathic (most common)
- Genetic causes (25-35%)
- Myocarditis (usually postviral myocarditis with coxsackievirus B)
- Toxic: e.g., doxorubicin(adriamycin), cocaine and cobalt.
- Postpartum state
- Alcoholism:can cause thiamine deficiency in addition to the acetaldehyde (alcohol metabolite) which is toxic to the myocardium.
- Pathophysiology
- Decreased contractility with a decreased EF (<40%)>
- Systolic dysfunction type of left ventricular failure
- Gross picture:
- Global enlargement of the heart (the heart is 2-3 times the normal size and flobby)
- All chambers are dilated.
- Echocardiography shows poor contractility and mural thrombi may be present.
- No significant 1ry valvular disease (except for functional regurgitation 2ry to ventricular chamber enlargement)
- No significant affection of the coronary arteries.
- Microscopic picture:
The histologic abnormalities in DCM are nonspecific. Microscopically most myocytes are hypertrophied with enlarged nuclei, but many are attenuated, stretched, and irregular. There is variable interstitial and endocardial fibrosis; scattered scars are also often present, probably marking previous myocyte ischemic necrosis caused by reduced perfusion (due to poor contractile function) and increased demand (due to myocyte hypertrophy). The extent of the changes frequently does not reflect the degree of dysfunction or the patient's prognosis.
- Complications:
- Biventricular CHF
- Bundle branch blocks
- Atrial and ventricular arrhythmias
- Mural thrombi and systemic embolisation
- Prognosis: poor and only 50-60% of patients survive 2 years after presentation.
click image to enlarge
- Epidemiology
- Most common cause of sudden death in young individuals
- Familial form (autosomal dominant) in young individuals (majority of cases)
- Due to mutations in heavy chain of β-myosin and in the troponins
- Sporadic form in elderly people
- Pathophysiology
- Hypertrophy of the myocardium
- Disproportionately greater thickening of the interventricular septum than of the free left ventricular wall
- Obstruction of blood flow is below the aortic valve
- Anterior leaflet of the mitral valve is drawn against the asymmetrically hypertrophied septum as blood exits the left ventricle.
- Aberrant myofibers and conduction system in the interventricular septum
- Conduction disturbances are responsible for sudden death.
- Decreased diastolic filling: Muscle thickening restricts filling.
- Gross picture:
- massive myocardial hypertrophy without ventricular dilation
- disproportionate thickening of the ventricular septum relative to the left ventricle free wall
- On longitudinal sectioning, the ventricular cavity loses its usual round-to-ovoid shape and is compressed into a "banana-like" configuration
- an endocardial plaque in the left ventricular outflow tract is often present with thickening of the anterior mitral leaflet. This is correlated to contact between the anterior mitral valve leaflet and the septum during late systole (dynamic obstruction)
- Microscopic picture:
- severe myocyte hypertrophy
- myocyte (and myofiber) disarray
- interstitial and replacement fibrosis
- Complications and Prognosis:
- Heart failure: due to impaired diastolic filling and dynamic outflow tract obstruction (in 25% of cases).
- Arrythmias: atrial and ventricular arrhythmias and heart block.
- Infective endocarditis of the mitral valve.
- Sudden cardiac death: the most common cause of SCD in young adults.
click image to enlarge
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
- Etiology
- Tropical endomyocardial fibrosis: the most common cause worldwide
- Infiltrative diseases
- Examples-Pompe's glycogenosis, amyloidosis, hemochromatosis
- Endocardial fibroelastosis in a child (thick fibroelastic tissue in the endocardium), sarcoidosis
- Pathophysiology
a. Decreased ventricular compliance
b. Usually secondary to infiltrative disease of the myocardium
c. Diastolic dysfunction type of LHF
- Gross picture:
- The ventricles are of approximately normal size or slightly enlarged, the cavities are not dilated, and the myocardium is firm.
- Biatrial dilation is commonly observed.
- Microscopic picture:
- interstitial fibrosis, varying from minimal and patchy to extensive and diffuse
- disease-specific features can be seen on endomyocardial biopsy (e.g., amyloid, iron overload, sarcoid granulomas).
- Prognosis and complications: CHF and Arrhythmias (conduction defects)